Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Week 4 in the woods...

It was the final week in the woods for group 1 and after telling Danny the week before that they were learning about the Stone Age, they were looking forward to making a bow and arrow.

Monday, 29 September 2014

As promised...

Yesterday I abseiled down Peel Tower for the charity Annabelle's Challenge. After telling the children about this experience they wanted to see the evidence! So here it is...

Science Rocks!!

This half term we will be covering the chemistry unit on rocks and soils. Our first session saw us getting out and about in the playground to look for different examples of rocks (or metals - that are made from ores found in rocks!). When we discussed this in the class the children didn't think they would find that many...

School Council

The children voted in their class councillors who will go along to the weekly school council meetings to represent year 3/4. The children who wanted to run as councillor gave a short speech and the class voted. It was extremly close!

Friday, 26 September 2014

Estimation Station #3

This week nobody guessed the exact number...it was very tricky!! 'How many pieces of pasta are in the jar?' However, we had 2 winners who were both just 1 number away. Well done!

Celebrating writing in Y3/4

Yet more work is published on Lend Me Your Literacy! :-) Congratulations!!!

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Half-term Heroes

This week children have been introduced to a new scheme in year 3/4 to recognise and reward kindness...

I wonder who will be our first Half-term Hero?

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Addition methods

This week the children have been practising different methods for addition.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014


We are learning about Hinduism in R.E. Lessons this term. During our first session we were introduced to different Hindu artefacts and costumes...

Week 3 in the woods...

Den-making, the mud pit, hammocks, toasted brioche and stories of the fairies in the tree...

WOW!!! Another wonderful week at the woods with Danny and the The Communitree Initiative! We are so lucky...and this experience is inspiring some wonderful creative writing in class! 😊